Thursday 12 February 2015

WoRDs of The daY*9/2/2015

1. Amble -
To go at a slow, easy pace
He ambled around the town during the evening.

2. Garrulous -
Excessive talking in a rambling manner about a trivial matter
His garrulous speech went on for about 2 to 3 hours.

3. Equivocal -
Allowing a possiblity of several different meanings
A doubtful nature or character
He gave an equivocal answer to the teacher's question.
The aliens of equivocal loyalty.

4. Taciturn -
Inclined to silence
Taciturn by nature, He spoke very little even to his own family.

5. Gregarious -
Fond of the company of others
Living in flocks or herds
She is a gregarious person and will be bored if ever left alone.
Bisons are large gregarious animals.

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