Friday 27 February 2015

WoRDs of The daY*15/2/2015

1. Critique -
An article or essay which criticizes other work.
A criticism on some problem
The critique seemed to condemn every work that was written by him.
The critique affected his performence on field.

2. Epithet -
To describe an actual quality
"Richard The Lion-Hearted" was an epithet of Richard I

3. Aberration -
Act of departing from the usual course
Deviation from moral rectitude
Her sudden aberration shocked the community.
His aberration brought an end to his career.

4. Dogma -
A specific doctrine authoritatively laid down
The recent defined dogma of papal infallibility.

5. Evanescence -
To disappear gradually
The evanescence of the castle happened last year.

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