Thursday 5 February 2015

WoRDs of The daY*7/2/2015

1. Plummet -
They plummeted into the dark cave while trying to save their team member.

2. Feeble -
Physically weak
Weak intellectually
The other guy have a feeble body.
He have a very feeble mind.
A feeble light can be seen in the cave.

3. Plague -
An infectious epidemic disease
Any widespread calamity or evil
The plague had kill half of the world.
A plague of war and desolation is coming.

4. Pitfall -
A lightly covered and unnoticeable pit prepared as a trap
The villagers made a pitfall to capture the 'thing' that has been terrorising the village.

5. Audacity -
Boldness or daring
His audacity impressed the interviewers.
His questioner's audacity shocked the lecturer.

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