Thursday 5 February 2015

WoRDs of The daY*6/2/2015

1. Cadaver -
A dead body
A skinless cadaver was found in the drain.

2. Cripple -
A person who is impaired or disabled in any way
He returned from the war a crippled man.

3. Volatile -
Evaporating rapidly
Threatening to break into open violence
Acetone is very volatile substance.
The nation is now in a very volatile political position.

4. Vulnerable -
Capable of being hurt*both physical and emotionally
Open to temptation
The tank is vulnerable after getting direct hits from the enemy.
The Minister is a very vulnerable man.

5. Plunge -
To thrust forcibly
To suddenly, forced into a situation
He plunges the dagger into the heart of the dragon.
They plunged into the hole when he pulled the lever.

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