Thursday 12 February 2015

WoRDs of The daY*10/2/2015

1. Meager -
Deficient in quantity or quality
Having little flesh
They gave this camp meager amount of supplies.
Her body is meager with hunger.

2. Eschew -
To keep away from
In an attempt to eschew from evil, he tried to bury the box.

3. Ambivalent -
Mixed feelings about someone or something
During the voting process, the voters were ambivalent on who to choose and vote for .

4. Fetter -
A chain or shackle that is placed on the feet
Confine or restrains
The fetter prevents the prisoners from running away.
They are bound by tradition and fettered by superstitions.

5. Enthrall -
To captivate or charm
To put or hold in slavery
A great performer will always enthralls the audiences.
They were always enthralled by superstitions.

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