Friday 27 February 2015

WoRDs of The daY*13/2/2015

1. Laudatory -
Containing or expressing praise
They were overwhelmed by his laudatory remarks.

2. Arboreal -
Treelike, relating to trees
All arboreal creatures relies on their wide vision to survive.

3. Breach -
A violation, laws etc
A gap made in a wall
The leap of a whale above the surface of water
He breached the laws of their traditions to save his loved ones.
The final defensive wall was breached by the Titans yesterday.
A whale could breach up to 30 meters high.

4. Iniquitous -
Characterized by injustice or wickedness
The man was treated as if he was iniquitous since he was born.

5. Demise -
A termination of existence
The sudden demise of the prime minister brought chaos onto the country.
The demise of the Holy Empire brought an end towards the Rennaisance.

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