Friday 27 February 2015

WoRDs of The daY*17/2/2015

1. Detumescence -
Sunsidence of swelling
The detumescence of his leg took about 2-months.

2. Miser -
A stingy person
The miser who lives in this town lives alone in his mansion.

3. Auditor -
A person authorized to examine accounting records
The company's accounting record is checked by an auditor every year.

4. Barrage -
An overwhelming quantity
A barrage of questions was thrown at the teacher.

5. Benevolence -
Desire to do good to others
An act of kindness
His loss was the greatest, but his benevolence was imcomparable.
Their benevolence would be remembered by generations.

WoRDs of The daY*16/2/2015

1. Feint -
Movement made to deceive opponent
A feign appearence
His astounding skills to feint brought victory to his team.
His approval was a feint to mask his true motives.

2. Oration -
A formal public speech
His oration at the funeral of his best friend was tear-jerking.

3. Complaisant -
Inclined or disposed to please
She is a very complaisant child.

4. Forge -
To form by heating and hammering
To form or make
To fabricate
The blacksmith forged an amazing weapon for the Emperor.
The friendship that was forged 20 years ago is still going strong.
He forged the warden's signature.

5. Gourmand -
A person who is fond of good eating
He became a gourmand after winning the cooking tournament.

WoRDs of The daY*15/2/2015

1. Critique -
An article or essay which criticizes other work.
A criticism on some problem
The critique seemed to condemn every work that was written by him.
The critique affected his performence on field.

2. Epithet -
To describe an actual quality
"Richard The Lion-Hearted" was an epithet of Richard I

3. Aberration -
Act of departing from the usual course
Deviation from moral rectitude
Her sudden aberration shocked the community.
His aberration brought an end to his career.

4. Dogma -
A specific doctrine authoritatively laid down
The recent defined dogma of papal infallibility.

5. Evanescence -
To disappear gradually
The evanescence of the castle happened last year.

WoRDs of The daY*14/2/2015

1. Tumultuous -
Full of riotousness
Raising a commotion
A tumultuous celebration was held in the city.
A tumultuous group of students was here yesterday.

2. Lummox -
A clumsy, stupid person
The lummox waiter was fired after breaking so many dishes.

3. Anthology -
A book, a collection of selected writings
The anthology for the Form 1 students was the "Kasut Kelopak Jantung".

4. Amenable -
Ready or willing to answer, act , agree
Liable to be called to account
He is a very amenable servant.
She is amenable to this account.

5. Nexus -
A means of connection
A connected series or group
The core or center
What seperates them is a whole different nexus of character.
The whole nexus of the National Grid Network was built 20 years ago.
The Sun is the nexus of the Solar System.

WoRDs of The daY*13/2/2015

1. Laudatory -
Containing or expressing praise
They were overwhelmed by his laudatory remarks.

2. Arboreal -
Treelike, relating to trees
All arboreal creatures relies on their wide vision to survive.

3. Breach -
A violation, laws etc
A gap made in a wall
The leap of a whale above the surface of water
He breached the laws of their traditions to save his loved ones.
The final defensive wall was breached by the Titans yesterday.
A whale could breach up to 30 meters high.

4. Iniquitous -
Characterized by injustice or wickedness
The man was treated as if he was iniquitous since he was born.

5. Demise -
A termination of existence
The sudden demise of the prime minister brought chaos onto the country.
The demise of the Holy Empire brought an end towards the Rennaisance.

Thursday 12 February 2015

WoRDs of The daY*12/2/2015

1. Alleviate -
To make it easier to endure
The bread given to him alleviates his sorrow.

2. Phlegmatic -
Not easily excited or display of emotion
His phlegmatic character made him a very respected leader.
He is phlegmatic throughout the tounament.

3. Choleric -
Bad tempered
His choleric character is what made other people dislike him.

4. Tractable -
Easily managed or controlled
Since she was little, she was always a tractable child.

5. Eradicate -
To remove or destroy uttely
They planned to eradicate the ant community tomorrow.

WoRDs of The daY*11/2/2015

1. Pinion -
A gear with a small number of teeths
The pinion is a an important part to make sure the device works.

2. Encumber -
To hinder
To block up*mind
To burden
The changes of our plan encumbers our process.
His mind is encumbered with trivial and useless information.
She was encumbered by a suit case and several other bags.

3. Devoid -
Not possesing
Some parts of the forest have become empty forests, devoid of any animals.

4. Erratic -
Deviating from the usual
Having no certain course
His erratic behaviour costed him his job.
The erratic winds in the valley are so strong.

5. Mitigate -
To make less severe
You can mitigate risks, but you cannot eliminate it.

WoRDs of The daY*10/2/2015

1. Meager -
Deficient in quantity or quality
Having little flesh
They gave this camp meager amount of supplies.
Her body is meager with hunger.

2. Eschew -
To keep away from
In an attempt to eschew from evil, he tried to bury the box.

3. Ambivalent -
Mixed feelings about someone or something
During the voting process, the voters were ambivalent on who to choose and vote for .

4. Fetter -
A chain or shackle that is placed on the feet
Confine or restrains
The fetter prevents the prisoners from running away.
They are bound by tradition and fettered by superstitions.

5. Enthrall -
To captivate or charm
To put or hold in slavery
A great performer will always enthralls the audiences.
They were always enthralled by superstitions.

WoRDs of The daY*9/2/2015

1. Amble -
To go at a slow, easy pace
He ambled around the town during the evening.

2. Garrulous -
Excessive talking in a rambling manner about a trivial matter
His garrulous speech went on for about 2 to 3 hours.

3. Equivocal -
Allowing a possiblity of several different meanings
A doubtful nature or character
He gave an equivocal answer to the teacher's question.
The aliens of equivocal loyalty.

4. Taciturn -
Inclined to silence
Taciturn by nature, He spoke very little even to his own family.

5. Gregarious -
Fond of the company of others
Living in flocks or herds
She is a gregarious person and will be bored if ever left alone.
Bisons are large gregarious animals.

WoRDs of The daY*8/2/2015

1. Approbation -
He needs our approbation to do that work.

2. Reverence -
A feeling of deep respect with a bit of awe
The public reverence is always with him every where he went.

3. Didain -
To think unworthy of notice
She looked at her with disdain.

4. Trudges -
To walk slowly, with a lot of effort
He trudged up the long flight of steps to reach his new office.

5. Meander -
To wander aimlessly
To proceed by indirect course
As one meanders through life, one will have wasted their life.
The stream meanders through the valley.

*I don't know why but it seems that this post is kinda short haha xDDD

Thursday 5 February 2015

Novel Of The Week*Time Riders : City of Shadows

Hi guys! This week's review is on the sixth installment of the Time Riders series.


The book starts with the TimeRiders team on the run from assasin cyborgs from 
the future*believed to be sent by the creators of the TimeRiders* to remove and
completely destroy all time displacement technology*time travel* that they have.
This is because the current team, Liam, Sal and Maddy demanded several answers
from the creators such as 'Who is the creator?'*Yes, they never made contact with
the creator... Awkward isn't it?? haha.

The sixth book unfolds a lot more about the team, as the plot revealed that not only
Bob but the whole team is infact BioEngineered Humans. They were 'created' with
fake memories to make themselves believe they are actually human with a real past.
It shook the whole team and they ran from their headquarters in Brooklyn in search
for answers. It is revealed that the TimeRiders was created by Roald Waldstein, the
first ever time-traveller. Waldstein created the TimeRiders to preserve history until 
'Pandora'*The end of all humans in 2070* happens.

'Pandora' is where human kind became extinct*due to their own doing* where a very
dangerous bio-weapon created by North Korea accidentally lost control and wipe out
all of the humankind. Waldstein was trying to preserve this due to unknown reasons
and when the team finds out, they decided to do 'battle' against Waldstein and ran away.
The team moved into the past and made a new base in London 1888, where they
unconciously is the time when Jack The Ripper is rampaging.

A cyborg that managed to follow them back into the past made a time contamination
by saving Mary Kelly crushing Jack The Ripper's cranium, ultimately killing him thus 
revealing the identity of Jack who actually is an aristocrat and part of the  government. 
This created a big uproar and a very big time contamination happens as riots opposing
the government happens.

3 Interesting Words
1. Ultimatum -
A final propasal or statement of conditions
The ultimatum reached between the two help them survive the plague.

2. Constitute -
To compose
To appoint to an office
Mortar constituted of lime and sand.
He was constituted treasurer of the organization.

3. Succorance -
The act of seeking out affectionate care
The succorance of children in the orphanage are daily occurence.

I really liked this novel especially the part where they insert famous people such as
Mary Kelly and H.G Wells*The first writer ever to write about time travel. It gives me
the historical vibes haha xD. The writer also describe everything in the detail throughout
the whole novel. He encourages readers to use their imaginations to imagine all the events
and occurence in the novel. The plot twist is also very interesting as it is revealed that all of
them are actually BioEngineered Humans, since readers initially thought they were recruited 
from life endangering events* which went out to be fake memories installed by Waldstein.
Anyways, I would reccomend this book to everyone*especially sci-fi fans. The writer really
got me there with the plot twist haha :D

WoRDs of The daY*7/2/2015

1. Plummet -
They plummeted into the dark cave while trying to save their team member.

2. Feeble -
Physically weak
Weak intellectually
The other guy have a feeble body.
He have a very feeble mind.
A feeble light can be seen in the cave.

3. Plague -
An infectious epidemic disease
Any widespread calamity or evil
The plague had kill half of the world.
A plague of war and desolation is coming.

4. Pitfall -
A lightly covered and unnoticeable pit prepared as a trap
The villagers made a pitfall to capture the 'thing' that has been terrorising the village.

5. Audacity -
Boldness or daring
His audacity impressed the interviewers.
His questioner's audacity shocked the lecturer.

WoRDs of The daY*6/2/2015

1. Cadaver -
A dead body
A skinless cadaver was found in the drain.

2. Cripple -
A person who is impaired or disabled in any way
He returned from the war a crippled man.

3. Volatile -
Evaporating rapidly
Threatening to break into open violence
Acetone is very volatile substance.
The nation is now in a very volatile political position.

4. Vulnerable -
Capable of being hurt*both physical and emotionally
Open to temptation
The tank is vulnerable after getting direct hits from the enemy.
The Minister is a very vulnerable man.

5. Plunge -
To thrust forcibly
To suddenly, forced into a situation
He plunges the dagger into the heart of the dragon.
They plunged into the hole when he pulled the lever.

WoRDs of The daY*5/2/2015

1. Pummel -
To beat or trash
The boxer pummels his opponent continuously, giving him no chance.

2. Agony -
Extreme and prolonged pain
An outburst of intense mental or emotion excitement
The pain and agony changed him into a whole different person.
She showed an agony of joy when her father returned from the war.

3. Shatter -
To break into pieces
To damage*breaking or crushing
To impair or destroy
To weaken
The window shattered when the ball hit against it.
The ship shattered under the storm.
The incident shattered his composure.
He wanted to shatter her illusions.

4. Hoax -
Something intended to deceive
The U.F.O was a complete hoax.

5. Lunatic -
An insane person
An extremely reckless
Jack The Ripper is a lunatic killer.
Your lunatic actions cost us 200 men.

WoRDs of The daY*4/2/2015

1. Ordeal -
Any extremely severe experience
The collapse of the tunnel is a terrifying ordeal for the passengers.

2. Grieve -
To feel great sorrow
To distress mentally
She has grieved over his death for nearly three years.
It grieves me to see you unhappy.

3. Lament -
To feel or express sorrow
He laments her absence today.

4. Frantic -
Desperate or wild with excitement
One feels a frantic desire for a living throughout an adventure.

5. Armageddon -
The last and completely destructive battle
The battle-race between nations can lead to Armageddon.

WoRDs of The daY*3/2/2015

1. Scarce -
Insufficient to satisfy the demand
Seldom met with
Meat and butter were scarce during the war.
That is a very scarce book.

2. Tenement -
A run-down or overcrowded apartment
They rented a tenement house in Brooklyn.

3. Archaic -
Marked by the characteristics of an earlier period
Forming the earliest stage
He has an archaic mannerism.
The archaic period of our research.

4. Irradiate -
To shed rays of light upon
To radiate
To expose to radiation
The Sun irradiates the valley.
The atomic bombs irradiates the whole country.
The dog was irradiated.

5. Tempt -
To attract
To render strongly disposed to do something
To put to the test in a venturesome way
The offer tempts me.
The book tempted me to read more on the subject.
To tempt one's fate is like playing with fire.

WorRDs of The daY*2/2/2015

1. Tenebrific -
Producing darkness
The Last Amulet is actually a tenebrific item.

2. Complacent -
Pleased, especially with one's self;often without awareness of some potential danger
The voters are too complacent to change the government.

3. Recede -
To go or move away
To slope backwards
The people recede from the accident sight.
A chin that recedes.

4. Wean -
To accustom(a child) to food other than mother's milk.
To withdraw from some objects
The process to wean his baby boy is a success.
The need to reduce had weaned us from rich desserts.

5. Dealt -
Simple past tense and past participle of deal
The problem has been dealt with.

WoRDs of The daY*1/2/2015

1. Conduit -
A pipe or tube for channeling water
A structure that contains electricity
The conduit is leaking.
The electrical conduit should run inside the counter, not above it.

2. Enigma -
A puzzling or inexplicable occurence
A person of puzzling or contradictory character
Containg hidden meaning, riddle
His appearence is an enigma that has given rise to speculations.
He has always been an enigma, one minute insensitive, the next one crying.
The riddle has an enigma.

3. Parka -
A fur-coat, shirtlike and hooded
She was wearing a brown parka when the car ran her over.

4. Boolean -
Relating to a data type having two possible values representing 'true' or 'false'
Boolean operator search enables a text search of keywords that yields fewer reports.

5. Binary -
Written in a binary code encoded using only 1 and 0
All executable programmes on the computer are stored in binary files.