Friday 30 January 2015

WoRDs of The daY*29/1/2015

1. Converge -
To meet in a point or line, incline toward each other
The tracks of the leopard and tiger converged before disappearing into the bushes.

2. Prescience -
Knowledge of things before it happens, Foresight
The investigators will try to find out who it was that showed such sinister prescience.

3. Sinister -
Threatening or portending evil
Bad, Evil
He gave us a very sinister remark about our performence.
He has his own sinister purposes.
He was involved in a sinister accident.

4. Avarice -
Insatiable greed for riches
In politics, it is usually about the avarice of a person or group in conflict.

5. Mendacious -
Telling lies habitually
She is a very mendacious person.

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