Sunday 25 January 2015

WoRDs of The daY*25/1/2015

1. Dauntless -
Not to be daunted or intimidated
A dauntless hero is needed to help our country.

2. Prurient -
Causing lasciviousness or lust
The girl is very prurient due to her attractiveness.

3. Myopic -
Lacking tolerance or understanding; narrow-minded
Unable or unwilling to act prudently
Dogma and myopic politics always falls short of explaination.
Only a willfully myopic lawmaker would try to lead the country down that path.

4. Sparse -
Thinly scattered or distributed
Not thick or dense
Evacuation centers are sparse and not everyone has access to high ground.
The lecturer has sparse hair.

5. Paltry -
Ridiculously or insultingly small
Utterly worthless
She gave them a paltry amount of food for them to share.
Some companies offers paltry prizes for their customers.

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