Friday 23 January 2015

WoRDs of The daY*23/1/2015

1. Province -
A territory, district or region
A department or branch of learning or activity
The province we are currently in is as big as the whole Malacca state.
The province of mathematics.

2. Patronize -
To behave in an offensively condescending manner towards
To act as a patron/support
A professor who patronizes his students will be hated and despised.
He is the patronize for his brother.

3. Descends -
To go from a higher to a lower place
To lead downward
To have a specific person or family among one's ancestors
We are going to descend from the hilltop towards the plain land.
The path descends to the pond.
He is descended from Tok Teh.

4. Thrusters -
A small rocket attached to a spacecraft/aircraft
The aeroplane's thrusters helped it to achieve the suitable knot for take-off.

5. Commotion -
Violent or tumultuous motion, disturbance
The commotion at the market was caused by the giant rats.

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