Monday 26 January 2015

WoRDs of The daY*26/1/2015

1. Cetacean -
Belonging to the Cetacea, an order of aquatic, chiefly marine mammals, including
the whales and dolphins
In general, large cetacean species emit low frequencies and small cetacean species
emit high frequencies.

2. Encompass -
To encircle
To envelop
To include comprehensively
He built a moat to encompass the castle.
The folds of a red cloak encompass the man.
A work that encompasses the entire range of the world's religious beliefs.

3. Skirted -
To avoid
Most travellers skirted this valley because of its rough terrain.

4. Bereavement -
A period of mourning after a loss
Deprivation or loss by force
A state of intense grief
A widow had many visitors during her bereavement.
The hurricane left a trail of bereavement of ordinary people.
The death of her dog left her in a state of bereavement.

5. Rapport -
relation, connection, especially harmonious or sympathetic relation.
The teacher was trying to establish a close rapport with her student and succeded
in doing so.

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