Friday 30 January 2015

Novel Of The Week*HOO : The Lost Hero

This week's review is on the first book of Heroes Of Olympus series, The Lost Hero
written by Rick Riordan.


The book starts with Jason, a 'demigod'  son of Zeus with no memories of who or
what he actually is. All he remembers are his two 'Best Friends' Piper and Leo and
that they were on a school trip. Things became complicated as they were attacked by
venti*roman wind spirits. Evenitually, Jason saved the day by driving the venties away
while also discovering his powers which is flying and summoning lightning*Pretty
awesome right?*. Being the 'son' of Zeus also bestowed him with the power to control 
the wind.

The plot developed deeper and more serious as it is revealed that Gaia*Ultra Powerful
Evil mother of Zeus* is awakening from her deep slumber and is seeking revenge on
Zeus and his siblings. Gaia is angry at Zeus and his generation of deities because they 
overthrew Gaia's favourite son Kronos, who is also Zeus's Evil Father. In this story,
Jason also realised that his best friends, Piper and Leo, are also 'demigods' daughter of
Aphrodite and Son of Hephaestus respectively.

Set in the same world of the Percy Jackson series*same author*, Jason and his friends 
faced challenges like never before in their quest to reach Camp Half-Blood, supposedly a 
safe place for 'demigods'*Half-human Half-deity. The book ends with Jason gaining
all of his memories back, they learned of a roman version of Camp Half-Blood, 
Camp Jupiter*Jason is the leader of Camp Jupiter and they acknowledge the missing 
leader of Camp Half-Blood, Percy Jackson.

3 Interesting Words
1. Cohort -
A group or company
Any group of warriors or soldiers
A division of Ancient Rome Legion
She has a cohort of admirers.
A cohort of soldiers sent by the Emperor is on the way.
The Tenth Cohort sacrificed themselves to make sure the mission is accomplished.

2. Cognac -
A French Brandy 
They imported the cognac illegally through cargo ships.

3. Praetor -
One of number of elected magistrates*Ancient Rome
The praetor was charged with a death penalty after taking so many bribes.

To those who like Fantasy-Fiction genres, you surely wouldn't want to miss this one.
Since it is set in the same world of the Percy Jackson series*actually a continuation*
it's filled with characters that I'm familiar with and the new characters are also quite
interesting. This novel would probably have the first 'demigod' character that could 
really match up with the strengths of Percy Jackson because in the previous series,
Percy Jackson, the most powerful 'demigod' is the main guy, Percy, being the only 
child of the Big Three*Zeus, Poseidon and Hades* and all. While in this series, a new 
character child of Zeus is introduced! I'm expecting a great rivalry between this two
throughout the whole series :D. 

WoRDs of The daY*31/1/2015

1.Dubious -
A doubtful quality
She gave a dubious reply to his question.
The refferee dubious decisions affected the football game.

2. Erroneous -
Containing error
Straying from what is proper
The shy student gave an erroneous answer for the question.
His advice on the quiz was erraneous.

3. Plausible -
Having an appearence of truth or reason
She gave a plausible excuse.
He is a very plausible commentator.

4. Pertinent -
Relating directly and significantly to the matter at hand
The questions is becoming more and more pertinent.

5. Obnoxious -
Highly offensive and objectionable
She deliberately brought her obnoxious along for tonight's dinner.
She is a very obnoxious little girl.

WoRDs of The daY*30/1/2015

1. Idiosyncrasies -
A characteristic, habit, mannerism that is peculiar to an individual
His idiosyncracies included a constant twitching of both of his eyes.

2. Concoct -
To prepare or make by combining ingredients, especially in cookery
To devise, to make up
His skills to concoct meals form leftovers are very valuable.
He likes to concoct ridiculous excuses.

3. Resilient -
Returning to the original form or position after being bent
Recovering readily from illness, depression, adversity
The tube is suprisingly long and resilient.
It was clear in the movies that the aliens were very resilient.

4. Scuttle -
A big bucket for carrying coal
He used a scuttle to carry all of his belongings.

5. Pernicious -
Causing insidious harm or ruin
A more pernicious problem is its impact on the society
The pernicious virus spreaded throughout the whole world in one week.

WoRDs of The daY*29/1/2015

1. Converge -
To meet in a point or line, incline toward each other
The tracks of the leopard and tiger converged before disappearing into the bushes.

2. Prescience -
Knowledge of things before it happens, Foresight
The investigators will try to find out who it was that showed such sinister prescience.

3. Sinister -
Threatening or portending evil
Bad, Evil
He gave us a very sinister remark about our performence.
He has his own sinister purposes.
He was involved in a sinister accident.

4. Avarice -
Insatiable greed for riches
In politics, it is usually about the avarice of a person or group in conflict.

5. Mendacious -
Telling lies habitually
She is a very mendacious person.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

WoRDs of The daY*28/1/2015

1. Cabotage -
Aviation, The legal restriction to dosmetic carriers of air transport between points
within a country's borders
Cabotage services are reserved to national companies.

2. Glinn -
A bright glow in the sky close to the horizon
The glinn is such a beautiful sight to behold.

3. Exodus -
A going out, a departure or emigration
The summer exodus to the country and shore.

4. Goalie -
A goalkeeper
The goalie blocked the shot successfully.

5. Conciliatory -
Tending to conciliate*To overcome the distrusts or hostility
A very conciliatory manner.

WoRDs of The daY*27/1/2015

1. Rendezvous -
An agreement between two or more persons to meet at certain place and time
A place designated for assembling
Those two crossings marked their successful  rendezvous with the troops who
had preceded them.
He's left to you to arrange the first rendezvous.

2. Hospice -
A house for shelter for pilgrims or strangers, especially kept by a religious leader
A helath care facility for the terminally ill
Now they are setting up a hospice.
Patients and thier families too often hesitate to cal hospice.

3. Pallid -
Pale, faint or deficient in color
Lacking in vitality or interest
A pallid countenance.
A pallid musical performence.

4. Dalles -
The rapids of a river running between the walls of a canyon or a gorge
The dalles over there is very wide.

5. Portent -
An indication or omen of something that is about to happen
Threatening or disquieting significance
The entire film is shot through with a sense of gravity and portent.
The composition of the committee turned out to be a portent of things to come.

Monday 26 January 2015

WoRDs of The daY*26/1/2015

1. Cetacean -
Belonging to the Cetacea, an order of aquatic, chiefly marine mammals, including
the whales and dolphins
In general, large cetacean species emit low frequencies and small cetacean species
emit high frequencies.

2. Encompass -
To encircle
To envelop
To include comprehensively
He built a moat to encompass the castle.
The folds of a red cloak encompass the man.
A work that encompasses the entire range of the world's religious beliefs.

3. Skirted -
To avoid
Most travellers skirted this valley because of its rough terrain.

4. Bereavement -
A period of mourning after a loss
Deprivation or loss by force
A state of intense grief
A widow had many visitors during her bereavement.
The hurricane left a trail of bereavement of ordinary people.
The death of her dog left her in a state of bereavement.

5. Rapport -
relation, connection, especially harmonious or sympathetic relation.
The teacher was trying to establish a close rapport with her student and succeded
in doing so.

Sunday 25 January 2015

WoRDs of The daY*24/1/2015

1. Complexion -
The natural color, texture and appearence of the skin
Appearence, aspect , character
A clear, smooth, rosy complexion.
One's political complexion.
His confession put a different complexion on things.

2. Astute -
Of keen penetration or discernment
Clever; cunning; ingenious
An astute analysis.
An astute merchandising programme.

3. Retroactive -
Operative with respect to past occurences
Pertaining to a pay rise effective as of a past date
Retroactive application after years of welcoming foreign participation decreases future predictablity.
No retroactive credit for a hotel stays prior to promotion registration date.

4. Tyrannical -
Unjustly cruel, harsh or severe
He was arrogant and influential, tyrannical and abusive.

5. Quelled -
To suppress; put an end to
To quiet or allay(emotions, anxieties etc)
The troops quelled the rebellion quickly.
The child's mother quelled his fears of the thunder.

WoRDs of The daY*25/1/2015

1. Dauntless -
Not to be daunted or intimidated
A dauntless hero is needed to help our country.

2. Prurient -
Causing lasciviousness or lust
The girl is very prurient due to her attractiveness.

3. Myopic -
Lacking tolerance or understanding; narrow-minded
Unable or unwilling to act prudently
Dogma and myopic politics always falls short of explaination.
Only a willfully myopic lawmaker would try to lead the country down that path.

4. Sparse -
Thinly scattered or distributed
Not thick or dense
Evacuation centers are sparse and not everyone has access to high ground.
The lecturer has sparse hair.

5. Paltry -
Ridiculously or insultingly small
Utterly worthless
She gave them a paltry amount of food for them to share.
Some companies offers paltry prizes for their customers.

Friday 23 January 2015

WoRDs of The daY*23/1/2015

1. Province -
A territory, district or region
A department or branch of learning or activity
The province we are currently in is as big as the whole Malacca state.
The province of mathematics.

2. Patronize -
To behave in an offensively condescending manner towards
To act as a patron/support
A professor who patronizes his students will be hated and despised.
He is the patronize for his brother.

3. Descends -
To go from a higher to a lower place
To lead downward
To have a specific person or family among one's ancestors
We are going to descend from the hilltop towards the plain land.
The path descends to the pond.
He is descended from Tok Teh.

4. Thrusters -
A small rocket attached to a spacecraft/aircraft
The aeroplane's thrusters helped it to achieve the suitable knot for take-off.

5. Commotion -
Violent or tumultuous motion, disturbance
The commotion at the market was caused by the giant rats.

Movie of The Week*The Maze Runner

The first Film I'm gonna write a review on is the first of the post-apocalyptic
trilogy by James Dashner, Directed by Wes Ball


The movie follows a group of boys who are trapped in a very complicated and ginormous
maze. It revolves around Thomas*hero ofkoz* who woke up in a moving elevator which
sends him to the place where the boys are gathered, The Glade. The boys were divided
according to their roles and tasks. The most outstanding is probably The Runners, who is
tasked to search and study the maze to search for an escape route during the day.

At night, the entrance towards the maze closes and the maze is roamed by dangerous creatures,
The Grievers. Whoever, got stuck and didn't manage to return to The Glade before nightfalls
are usually dead by morning killed by The Grievers. Things changed when Thomas arrived, 
joining The Runners and found a new path in the maze which eventually were their only way

When Thomas returned to inform the group, the entrance of the maze didn't close like usual, 
allowing The Grievers to enter The Glade and kills almost all of the boys*the hero survived*.
The survivors went through the maze the next morning and eventually learnt of the truth.
The truth where The World is in post-apocalyptic state and they were test subjects to ensure the survival of the human race. The film ends with the survivors managing to escape the gigantic maze.

3 Interesting Words
Free from showy extravagance
Limited or moderate in amount
A modest house.
A modest increase in salary.

The part of a military force that serves on horseback
The cavalry will move after the first attack.

An organization of persons with related interests, goals
The whole guild tried their best to help the person incharge.

I really liked this movie because it thoroughly shows and highlights the value of friendship 
throughout the movie. The situation the boys were thrown in developed them with really 
good values. It made them more independant by themselves while also nurturing the value 
of trust between the boys. While most of the boys grew into good willed ones, there are still 
some who*accidental probably*, grew into nasty people. As example, Gally who thinks he 
had the power to decide everything only because he had stayed longer in The Glade compared
to the others. Overall, I would rate this movie 8/10. This action packed movie amazed me with 
its great acting and also not forgetting its awesome CGI(Computer Generated Images).

Thursday 22 January 2015

Novel Of The Week*Time Riders : Gates of Rome

The first novel I'm going to write a review on is the fifth installment of the Time Riders series.


The book revolves around a group of three TimeRiders who 'take care' of time and remove any time contamination done towards history*kind of Time Police haha...
As for the 5th Installment, a group of people from the year 2070+ returned to the Rome Empire during the reign of Caligula to change history in the hope of getting a better future for mankind.

This group came from a time where the world is ending, where after a series of wars*which included nuclear attacks, poison attacks, etc* mankind is finally facing extinction after a 
bio-virus made in Korea breakout when Korea's scientists loses control of it.

The world is dying and mankind is getting wiped out of the surface of the Earth. They then planned to return to the past*Caligula's reign* Where these people hope to change history n thus changing the inevitable fate of mankind.

The TimeRiders then noticed a change in history where Caligula's reign which should only lasted for about 4 years, extended to a long 17 years time. They sent a team to check it out and their findings were surprising! Rome was in peril, starvation and death is everywhere.

*to readers I suggest you take up this series because it is really fun hehe XD.
*to Miss Jo, since this novel plays around with time, I'm confused either to use past or present tense hha... sorry..

So as for my assignment,
3 Interesting Words
To bend, as a part of the body
Any flexible, insulated electric chord
He flexed his arms to show his muscles.
A pile of loops of electrical flex.

To mark with spots
A dapple horse.
The man is dappling a shirt in the factory.

To assemble(troops, a ship crew etc.)as for battle
To gather
Commander mustered all the soldiers they had left.
He mustered all his courage to tell the truth.

One lesson I learnt from this novel is we should never mess around with time. Whether its
the present or the future, we must appreciate all the time we have and fill it with beneficial
activities. We must not delay our work and assignment so that we could send everything on
time and avoid being DeMeritt. I believe if everyone in the world actually fill their time with
beneficial activities instead of procastinating, the World would be truly a better place. Live our
life to the fullest :).

The Superman Rule

Hi there!!
This time I'm gonna share The 'Superman' Rule.
Its a simple rule that helps me alot when writing essays hehe..
It is for writing present tense sentences...

I'm sure some of us is still confused on whether to add an 's' or not
at the end of the verb example :

She likes to cook
           or                     Which is correct??
 She like to cook

So heres a simple rule to solve this problem. Although its a simple rule,
It managed to help me score an A for the past MRSM Trial SPM xD which for me,
is already an achievement hhe...

Ok this is it.

For singular pronouns like : -
They are single and lonely, therefore they need the help of Superman.
So add 's' at the end of their verb example :-

He likes to cook.
Rashid loves his mother.

As for plural pronoun like : -
They are many and not lonely, therefore they don't need Superman's help
So doesn't need to add 's' example :-

They like to cook.
They love their parents

As for You and I, we're special. We don't need Superman's help at all.
So doesn't need to add 's' example :-

I like to play chess.
Do you like to play football?

That is all for the 'Superman' rule. Simple isn't it?? Hope it helps hehe.
Thanks for reading :D.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

WoRDs of The daY*21/1/2015

1. Septentrional -
The northern regions
When he is tired of the long, septentrional winters of New England, Grandfather retired to Florida.

2. Ginormous -
Very big
That towering building is ginormous!

3. Goliath
A very big and influential party
The family owned company lost the contract to a multibillion-dollar Goliath.

4. Blistering -
Causing blisters
Very fast or rapid
The blistering heat is killing the animals and the crops.
The train moves with blistering speed.

5. Vehement
Strongly emotional
She was vehement about the need for new safety measures.

CHeers to ANew BLOg!!

Hi everyone!!
So heres my new blog dedicated specifically to ze English Assessment work for MADPP programme :D.

Since its 'English Assessment', therefore all posts in this one are gonna be in english*literally*campur2 restricted hahax.

Altogether there would be 4 parts which is the Vocab Log*words of da day*,
the Readin Log*Novel of the week*,
the Film review*Yess, our homework is to watch moviesss!!*
and last but not least the
Writing Log*essay questions.

The Vocab Log is where I would be listing 5 words daily along with a sentence at least, to show each if their meaning.

Next is the Reading Log where I would give reviews, short responses n interesting/new words on the English novels I've read.

Then there is the Film review, where we are required to actually watch*homework* English movies*literally* haha n also give short responses.

Lastly, The Writing Log where I am required to discuss with my friends and build an outline of 5 essay questions per week.*probably the least interesting here* muahaha but anyhow it will improve my english so, why not?

Its going to be my first attempt in writing logs n reviews, so do read n enjoy my opinions here hhe*advise for improvisation really needed!!, feel free to leave any at the comment sections below :).


WoRDs of The daY*20/1/2015

1. Overthrow -
To remove from power
The main objective is to overthrow the evil Emperor.

2. Reign -
Length of time with power
His reign lasted for 15-whole-years.

3. Catastrophically -
Became really bad
Their plans had gone catastrophically wrong and now, the Emperor has sent men to hunt them down.

4. Threat -
An indication of trouble
The threat behind the group had been remove by their backup.

5. Affected -
She was affected  badly by the injury that she suffered from previous encounter.