Thursday 12 March 2015

WoRDs of The daY*4/3/2015

1. Dilettante -
A person who takes up an activity just for amusement
An amateur
Most of my friend does not know but I am actually a dilettante of techno music.
He is a dilettante in chess.

2. Desultory -
Lacking in consistency
Digressing or unconnected with main subject
Her desultory in the performence prevented her from bagging the gold medal.
She gave desultory remarks on her performence.

3. Citizenry -
All citizens as a group
Most of the citizenry of the country are highly educated people.

4. Palliate -
To ease
Her palliate efforts actually worsen the situation.

5. Allocate -
To set apart for a particular purpose
To fix a place of
They allocate some funds for charity.
They build the Fortress at the allocated place.

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