Monday 16 March 2015

Novel Of The Week*HOO : The Son of Neptune

I'm not sure when was the last time I did an update on a novel haha, but here's one I just read.


The novel starts of with our favourite hero*Percy being chased by the Gorgon Sisters as they
hate him because he killed their sister Medusa*Back in the original series*. They also revealed
that they are working for Gaia to kill Percy. While running, Percy met an old woman named
June which is revealed to be Juno*Zeus's wife in Roman from* who let him choose either risking
his life to obtain his memories back or sit safely in the ocean while watching the destruction of
the whole world.

As always usual haha, he chosed the former. He stumbled upon Camp Jupiter*Roman version
of Camp Half-Blood* where he met Hazel and Frank who is guarding its entrance. Somehow
they allowed him in*While still being chased by gorgons* and Percy helped them to cross the
Little Tiber*Losing his invincibility but gaining Frank and Hazel's trust in the process.

Percy swiftly became known in the new camp as for his incredible battle skills and instincts.
Then, he*and his new friends Frank and Hazel* was elected for a mission to free Thanatos who
is chained by a new enemy. While travelling for their quest, Percy struggled to regain his memories
He recalled fragments but was never able to determine his memories specifically. Their mission
came to an end after they defeated Alcyoneus, the Giant born to oppose Pluto a.k.a Hades.

Percy regained his memories while they raced back to Camp Jupiter finding it under attack of
Polybotes, the Giant born to oppose Neptune/Poseidon*haha yes, Percy's father*. With the help
of Terminus, Percy successfully killed Polybotes*Giants can only be killed by Deity and demi-god
working together*.

At the end, Camp Jupiter named him Praetor, a leader for the roman camp. Percy also realised
what had really happened, Percy was switched places with Jason*former Praetor* by Hera/Juno
for them to learned of each others whereabout*Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter* as they never
knew or met each other before. This is to form a stronger base as to fight Gaia, who is finally awakening after a long slumber.

3 Interesting Words
1. Chained -
He chained the prisoner in the dungeon.
He lived a chained life throughout those years.

2. Morale -
Emotional or mental conditions
The roar raised the troop's morale.

3. Mortal -
Subject to death
All mortal beings are gonna leave this world someday.
He delivered a mortal wound to his enemy.

The Son of Neptune is the 2nd book of the Heroes Of Olympus series. This time, the writer tells
about the whereabout of Percy*The first one focused on Jason at Camp Half-Blood*. The story
build up is interesting as readers wonder whether Percy would regain his memories or not. This
book also reveals more on the main story for this series as it was told that the main enemy is Gaia,
Mother Earth herself*mind you she is basically the Grandmother of Percy and his friends haha XD*
Rick Riordan also put on a twist as to successfully kill a Giant, a Deity and a demi-god must work
together*Which is almost impossible considering the ego's of most deities LOL*. Anyways
likewise, I would reccommend this to those who would want to improve their English as its writing
is quite simple and easy to understand.

P.S : Am really hoping for a duel between Percy and Jason hahahahahaha xD.

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