Tuesday 3 March 2015

WoRDs of The daY*20/2/2015

1. Hue -
A gradation or variety of a color
They used pale and light hues to paint the house.
There are seven hues of the rainbow.

2. Litigant -
A person engaged in a lawsuit.
If you have a case pending in court, you are a litigant.

3. Condescension -
An act of condescending
Such condescension may not label hubris.

4. Curator -
The person in charge of a museum
A person who selects content for presentation
A manager
The curator fired his worker because he was too lazy.
The curator for their group tonight is Adam.
Hairi was appointed curator by the boss.

5. Epitome -
A thing that possess a high degree of a class
He is the epitome of goodness.

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