Tuesday 3 March 2015

WoRDs of The daY*18/2/2015

1. Legion -
A division of the Roman army / military unit
Any large group of armed men
The 1st Legion were all defeated by the enemy.
A legion of fighters were coming their way.

2. Demagogue -
A person who gains power by raising emotions, passions
(In ancient times) a leader of the people
He was a demagogue before he became an official politician.
Their demagogue divided them into several groups.

3. Bolster -
A long cylindrical pillow
The boy could never sleep without his special bolster.

4. Fissure -
A narrow opening produced by seperation of parts
The earthquake last night opened many fissures on the surace of the earth.

5. Clamor -
A loud uproar
A vehement expression of desire
Popular outcry
Any loud and continued noise
The clamor of the crowd at the gates.
The clamor of the proponents of the law.
The senators could not ignore the clamor against higher taxation.
The clamor of the traffic rang through his ears.

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