Wednesday 18 March 2015

Novel of The Week*Department 19

HAAAA finally its here xD. A great example of 'Don't judge a book by its cover' hehe.
Its the first book out of five, written by best-selling author Will Hill.


The story starts of with Julian Carpenter, being killed by a large man in a black suit using a gun. His son, Jamie, was then attacked by the fabled 'vampire' who wants revenge on Julian. The large guy suddenly returned and threatened the vampire. The vampire, who is called Alexandru Rusmanov then backed off and leave the house but kidnapping Marie Carpenter, Jamie's mother in the process . This is where it all started. The large guy revealed himself as Viktor Frankenstein.

Jamie is recruited into a 'Classified' department of the UK government, Department 19. It is revealed that Department 19 exist for only one reason, to hunt and kill vampires. It was revealed that Alexandru is one of the most powerful vampires in the world, the Third Vampire. Jamie then started all his training with one thing in his mind, to save the only family he had left, his mother.

Things got quite complicated as he met Larissa, a young girl vampire who is under Alexandru before.
She tells him she really repented on what she had done and is now helping the department in hunting down vampires. All hell break-loose when an island named Lindisfarne is attacked by vampires lead by Alexandru. All humans were either killed or transformed into a vampire. A Russian counterpart of Department 19 was also attacked and brutally murdered by the 2nd Vampire, Valentin Rusmanov.

It is revealed that Dracula*the first Vampire was killed and his ashes was kept by the Russians.G It is feared that the vampires has find a way to resurrect Dracula a.k.a Vlad Tepes. There are actually three Rusmanov, who are actually Vlad's General in his last war as a human. The oldest of the siblings is ValeriRusmanov, the 2nd Alexandru Rusmanov and the youngest but non less in power, Valentin Rusmanov.

Jamie then lead an unauthorized mission to Lindisfarne as he found out that Alexandru had made it as his new hideout. The mission was quite a success as Marie Carpenter was saved but she was transformed into a vampire by Alexandru though. Alexandru was killed by Jamie. The sad thing was Frankenstein, a father figure for Jamie throughout his early days at The Loop*Department 19 HQ* was apparently killed by werewolf which pushed him off a cliff.

3 Interesting Words
1. Classified -
Arranged or specified
Confidential or secret
The paper have been classified by their colours and quality.
This department is classified to the public.

2. Tore -
Past tense of tear
She tore the throat of the bad guy.

3. Violent -
Acting with or characterized by uncontrolled
Intense in force
Caused by injurous or destructive force
The earthquake wsa a violent one.
She felt violent pain in her stomach.
She died a violent death.

Like I wrote before, this is a great example of don't judge a book by its cover hehe. At first I thought it was just a somekind of military novel. I didn't want to read it at first but my friend insisted and in the end I was more excited about this series than my friend haha. It is really a great book as it was my first reading about a militsry-fantasy-teen kind of novel. The writer intelligently mixed normal teenagers problems into the story-line which is quite interesting, considering the serious situation of life and death throughout the book. Overall, the story is great and the final twist*where Frankenstein was killed* added spice into it haha. I rate this material 8.9/10.

Movie of The Week*Mr Peabody and Sherman

So hi guys, this is only the 2nd time I'm writing a Movie review, so any suggestions would highly be appreciated :D. So, here goes....


The movie is about a Mr Peabody, genius dog*yeah, Literally*, who adopts a baby boy named Sherman and raised him as his own son until he is 7 years-old. Mr Peabody is so smart that he 
built the world's first ever time machine which he named it, The Way-Bac. His son, Sherman, is
also quite smart but have problems with a girl named Penny*A bully* at school. Penny kept teasing
Sherman by calling him a dog, which made Sherman mad and bites her hand. Later, it became an issue whether a dog*Mr Peabody* could really and properly raise a human child*Sherman*.

Mr Peabody then arranges a meeting with Penny's parents to make up with them but all Hell break-loose when Sherman reveals the Way-Bac*supposed to be a secret* to Penny as to prove a point.
Penny got stranded in Ancient-Egypt and Sherman with the help of Mr Peabody went to find her.
This is where their real adventure started as they went on to meet famous people such as Leonardo DaVinci, Napoleon and King Tut.

In an accident, Sherman ended up returning to a timeline where he was there, which is actually a forbidden thing to do as it would unbalance the universe, and a portal appeared where it started to send historical figures into the present. Unable to stop it, The Way-Bac drop on the ground and got quickly surrounded by cops and Animal Control is called, by the Evil women who hates Mr Peabody and doesn't want to give him custody of Sherman.

Sherman appeared and explained that everything was his fault. He was the one who misbehaved, as Mr Peabody was actually a really good father. The Evil women still do not want to give up but suddenly Sherman admitted that he is a dog too*In a sense as to support of Mr Peabody's custody of him*. Everyone there agree but still the Evil women doesn't want to give up until George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Bill Clinton granted an official pardon for Mr Peabody.

Sherman suddenly got an idea on how to fix things, and by using the Way-Bac, managed to reverse engineered the portal and it started to suck everything that doesn't belong. The Evil Women also got sucked up as she was hug bu King Agamemnon during the process. In the end, Sherman*now best friends with Penny* is living happily with Mr Peabody and finally calls him 'Dad'.

3 Interesting Words
1. Orphan - 
A child who lost both of his parents
Sherman was an orphan found by Mr Peabody.

2. Continuum -
Continuous extent
A space-time continuum can be created by The Way-Bac.

3. Custody -
The keeping of officers of the law
Mr Peabody was finally granted custody of Sherman.
The car is in custody of the officers.
She is in custody of the authorities.

This is actually one of my favourite movies as its not based on a book or whatsoever. It is a really great Original idea*Altho characters were of a classic 1960's*by Rob Minkoff, who is famous for co-directing The Lion King. This movie really amazed me with its main moral, To truly and wholly accept who you really are and be happy with what we have. Sherman at first, who can't accept being called a dog because who his father is, finally embraced Mr Peabody as who he really is. I also learned that one way to destroy an enemy is to make him/her, your friend hehe but that would be a really hard thing to do haha. I also liked how they inserted famous figures into the movie and blended them into the story-line with a bit of comedy. This is a really ohsemm movie for a cartoon. I rate it 9.5/10.

Monday 16 March 2015

Novel Of The Week*HOO : The Son of Neptune

I'm not sure when was the last time I did an update on a novel haha, but here's one I just read.


The novel starts of with our favourite hero*Percy being chased by the Gorgon Sisters as they
hate him because he killed their sister Medusa*Back in the original series*. They also revealed
that they are working for Gaia to kill Percy. While running, Percy met an old woman named
June which is revealed to be Juno*Zeus's wife in Roman from* who let him choose either risking
his life to obtain his memories back or sit safely in the ocean while watching the destruction of
the whole world.

As always usual haha, he chosed the former. He stumbled upon Camp Jupiter*Roman version
of Camp Half-Blood* where he met Hazel and Frank who is guarding its entrance. Somehow
they allowed him in*While still being chased by gorgons* and Percy helped them to cross the
Little Tiber*Losing his invincibility but gaining Frank and Hazel's trust in the process.

Percy swiftly became known in the new camp as for his incredible battle skills and instincts.
Then, he*and his new friends Frank and Hazel* was elected for a mission to free Thanatos who
is chained by a new enemy. While travelling for their quest, Percy struggled to regain his memories
He recalled fragments but was never able to determine his memories specifically. Their mission
came to an end after they defeated Alcyoneus, the Giant born to oppose Pluto a.k.a Hades.

Percy regained his memories while they raced back to Camp Jupiter finding it under attack of
Polybotes, the Giant born to oppose Neptune/Poseidon*haha yes, Percy's father*. With the help
of Terminus, Percy successfully killed Polybotes*Giants can only be killed by Deity and demi-god
working together*.

At the end, Camp Jupiter named him Praetor, a leader for the roman camp. Percy also realised
what had really happened, Percy was switched places with Jason*former Praetor* by Hera/Juno
for them to learned of each others whereabout*Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter* as they never
knew or met each other before. This is to form a stronger base as to fight Gaia, who is finally awakening after a long slumber.

3 Interesting Words
1. Chained -
He chained the prisoner in the dungeon.
He lived a chained life throughout those years.

2. Morale -
Emotional or mental conditions
The roar raised the troop's morale.

3. Mortal -
Subject to death
All mortal beings are gonna leave this world someday.
He delivered a mortal wound to his enemy.

The Son of Neptune is the 2nd book of the Heroes Of Olympus series. This time, the writer tells
about the whereabout of Percy*The first one focused on Jason at Camp Half-Blood*. The story
build up is interesting as readers wonder whether Percy would regain his memories or not. This
book also reveals more on the main story for this series as it was told that the main enemy is Gaia,
Mother Earth herself*mind you she is basically the Grandmother of Percy and his friends haha XD*
Rick Riordan also put on a twist as to successfully kill a Giant, a Deity and a demi-god must work
together*Which is almost impossible considering the ego's of most deities LOL*. Anyways
likewise, I would reccommend this to those who would want to improve their English as its writing
is quite simple and easy to understand.

P.S : Am really hoping for a duel between Percy and Jason hahahahahaha xD.

Thursday 12 March 2015

WoRDs of The daY*14/3/2015

1. Grovel -
Behave humbly
His grovel attitude gains his boss's respect.

2. Credulous -
Believing anything
People take advantage of his credulous nature.

3. Lithe -
Bending easily, flexible
The jersey is made of lithe substance.

4. Idolatry -
Worship of idols
Some people practise idolatry in their lives.

5. Necromancy -
Black magic
Necromancy is forbidden in Islam.

WoRDs of The daY*13/3/2015

1. Salve -
Balm that soothes or heals
He spread some salve on the burn marks.

2. Disparate -
Basically different
He is very disparate compared to his twin.

3. Incipient -
Beginning stages of something
The incipient of the carnival is quite encouraging.

4. Antediluvian -
Before the flood
The village is almost restored to antediluvian.

5. Mendicant -
There are so many mendicant in the streets of Bangalore, India.

WoRDs of The daY*12/3/2015

1. Comely -
Her comely eyes are fascinating.

2. Ascribed -
To credit
To attribute
The alphabet is usually ascribed to the Phoenicians.
They ascribed courage to the main hero.

3. Cognizant -
Aware or informed
He is cognizant of the problem and has arrived to help.

4. Infamy -
Bad reputation
The infamy company went bankrupt last year.

5. Splenetic -
His splenetic attitude made most students scared of him.

WoRDs of The daY*11/3/2015

1. Alias -
Assumed name
His alias is 'Arthur' while his friend is 'Lancelot'

2. Quiescent -
Dormant, at rest
Most snakes are quiescent in the morning.

3. Belligerent -
At war
They have been belligerent with each other since 7 years ago.

4. Heinous -
Hatefully bad
The heinous villain is finally defeated at the end of the series.

5. Iconoclastic -
Attacking cherished traditions
The iconoclastic people have forgotten their roots.

WoRDs of The daY*10/3/2015

1. Extrapolate -
Arrive at conclusion
The extrapolate they agreed on is very dangerous.

2. Aesthetic -
His aesthetic nature made him the perfect model for this time.

3. Dormant -
As if asleep
The creature's dormant nature made its prey drop their guard around him.

4. Acrimony -
Bitterness or harshness of temper
His acrimony problems made him an unwanted person in any teams.

5. Assail -
They assailed the enemy until there were no one left alive.

WoRDs of The daY*9/3/2015

1. Annexation -
To add on or attach
The annexation of that guy into the squad changes everything.

2. Novice -
She is still a novice in the world of chess.

3. Ratify -
Approve or confirm
The principal ratified the paperwork to help his students.

4. Disputatious -
Back then they were very disputatious with each other but now they live
the same roof.

5. Hierarchy -
Arranged in rank
The hierarchy does not approve of his actions.

WoRDs of The daY*8/3/2015

1. Prolix -
The prolix road in the countryside gave him a headache.

2. Dearth -
Any scarcity or lack
The dearth of food costs thousands of lives.

3. Hybrid -
Any of mixed origin.
That animal is a hybrid of cow and buffalo.

4. Ostensible -
Apparent, showing outwardly
His ostensible feelings for her are mixed after that incident.

5. Verisimilitude -
Appearence of turuth
The verisimilitude behind that incident is unknown to the public.

WoRDs of The daY*7/3/2015

1. Verbose -
He gave a verbose gift to her.

2. Consensus -
An opinion held by all or most
They agreed to the consensus that all have them have achieved.

3. Debacle -
An overwhelming defeat
His debacle to his new rival traumatized him mentally.

4. Prig -
Annoyingly pedantic person
He is such a prig that no one wants to be near him.

5. Abrogate -
To cancel by authority
The boss abrogated our meeting yesterday.

WoRDs of The daY*6/3/2015

1. Anhydrous -
Without water
They build an anhydrous vehicle which can float on water.

2. Codicil -
An appendix or supllement
They accidentally bought a fake codicil.

3. Assay -
An examination or testing
They have an assay on Wednesday.

4. Cliche -
The teacher only gives cliche advise to her students.

5. Circumlocutions -
An indirect way of expressing something
Her sudden tantrum is a circumlocution of her insatisfaction.

WoRDs of The daY*5/3/2015

1. Contentious -
Always ready to argue, quarrelsome
Because of her contentious personality, she still hasn't married yet at 35.

2. Astound -
To amaze
Her astounding SPM results allowed her the chance to study overseas.

3. Licentious -
Lewd and lascivious
His licentious act cost him his job.

4. Concession -
An act of granting or yielding
He made no concession to caution.

5. Altercation -
An angry or heated argument
Their altercation can be heard all the way down the lane.

WoRDs of The daY*4/3/2015

1. Dilettante -
A person who takes up an activity just for amusement
An amateur
Most of my friend does not know but I am actually a dilettante of techno music.
He is a dilettante in chess.

2. Desultory -
Lacking in consistency
Digressing or unconnected with main subject
Her desultory in the performence prevented her from bagging the gold medal.
She gave desultory remarks on her performence.

3. Citizenry -
All citizens as a group
Most of the citizenry of the country are highly educated people.

4. Palliate -
To ease
Her palliate efforts actually worsen the situation.

5. Allocate -
To set apart for a particular purpose
To fix a place of
They allocate some funds for charity.
They build the Fortress at the allocated place.

WoRDs of The daY*3/3/2015

1. Exacerbate -
To make worse, aggravate
He exacerbated the push making the refferee feel bad.

2. Ferment -
To cause to undergo fermentation
To cause agitation, excitement
To inflame
He fermented the mixture for about 4 hours.
Playing football fermented his usually calm mind.
He ferments prejudiced crowds to riot.

3. Winsome -
Sweetly or innocently charming
She has a winsome smile.

4. Consonance -
They finally achieved consonance after 5 years of war.

5. Succor -
To help or relieve
He offered emotional succor to his sister after her husband's sudden death.

Thursday 5 March 2015

WoRDs of The daY*2/3/2015

1. Languid -
Without vigor or vitality
He has a languid manner when talking about this topic.

2. Veritable -
Being truly or very much so
They won a veritable triumph.

3. Raucous -
He heard raucous voices in his dreams.
Their neighbours held a raucous party last night.

4. Demure -
Characterized by shyness and modesty
She is a demure and sweet girl.

5.  Aver -
To assert or affirm with confidence
As his father aver, he became more likely to heard him.

WoRds of The daY*1/3/2015

1. Absolve -
To free from guilt or blame
To set free or release
The court absolved her of guilt for his death.
He absolved from his century old-oath.

2. Coronation -
Ceremony of crowning a king
The coronation ceremony was held a month after the king's death.

3. Surreptitious -
Acting in secret
She made a surreptitious glane towards him.

4. Conformity -
Action in accordance with customs, rules and prevailing opinions
When they all fall into sleep, he points out the danger of conformity.

5. Pantomime -
Action or gestures without words as meaning of expressions
He made a pantomime performence on Teacher's Day.

WoRDs of The daY*28/2/2015

1. Recondite -
Difficult to understand, abstruse
He is a recondite person due to his introvert nature.

2. Invective -
Due to the invectives he suffered during his childhood, he grew to became a sadist.

3. Vituperative -
That man is very vituperative towards his family.

4. Cumulative -
Increasing by accumulation
His cumulative marks is the highest in the class.
The cumulative stress affected his ankle and overall performence.

5. Inured -
To accustom
He is inured to the torture that he have to face everyday.

WoRDs of The daY*27/2/2015

1. Anomalous -
Abnormal, deviating from the normal arrangement
Advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe.

2. Lethargic -
Abnormally drowsy or dull
This will make you feel more lethargic.

3. Precipitous -
Abrupt, hasty
A precipitous wall of rocks.

4. Impenitent -
Not feeling regret about one's sins
He killed all the people with impenitent feelings.

5. Indispensable -
Absolutely neccessary or required
He is indispensable to the team as his skills with weapons are the best.

WoRDs of The daY*26/2/2015

1. Anathema -
A person or thing greatly detested
Snakes are anathema to his family.

2. Vestige -
A trace of something that once existed
A few columns were the last vestiges of a Greek Temple.

3. Impecunious -
Having little or no money
He became impecunious after spending all his money last night.

4. Anagram -
A word or phrase made from another by rearranging its letters
Angel is an anagram of glean.

5. Hindsight -
Ability to see, after the event what should have been done
His hindsight abilty is the best among the students.

WoRDs of The daY*25/2/2015

1. Catapult -
A slingshot or launcher
They built a gigantic catapult to destroy the wall.

2. Paean -
A song of joy
They released a paean after winning the war.

3. Forlorn -
Without hope, desperate
The forlorn village was interested by sequel.

4. Dolt -
A dull stupid person.
A dolt just passed by this raad.

5. Compliance -
A tendency to give in readily to others
His compliance shocked everone.

WoRDs of The daY*24/2/2015

1. Antidote -
Medicine to counteract poison
Something that prevents or counteracts
He needed an antidote after being bitten by a snake.
Good jobs are the best antidote to teenage crimes.

2. Ballad -
Any light and simple song
He wrote ballad songs for his late wife.

3. Epigram -
A short poem with a witty point
He wrote an epigram to express his dissatisfaction.

4. Anecdote -
A short, entertaining account of something happening
She wrote an anecdote for his wedding.

5. Nuance -
A slight or delicate variation
Samsung's Galaxy S6 is said to be a nuance to Apple's iPhone 6s

WoRDs of The daY*23/2/2015

1. Miasma -
A dangerous, foreboding,poisonous atmosphere
That 'thing' made miasma by releasing its poisonous breathe into the atmosphere.

2. Parody -
Humorous or satirical mimicry
His homemade parody of Sugar by Maroon 5 was hilarious.

3. Buttress -
A supporting structure by opposin its outward thrust
Shaped like a buttress root
The tower fell because one of its buttress suport was bombed.
The tower have a buttress base design for better stability.

4. Antigen -
Substance that stiulates production of antibodies.
The antigens were destroyed by his antibodies completely.

5. Rogue -
A scoundrel
The rogue person was captured by the authorities that night.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

WoRDs of The daY*22/2/2015

1. Advocate -
To speak or write in favor of
He advocated higher salaries for teachers.

2. Charlatan -
A person who pretends to have expert knowledge or skills
For every self-promoting charlatan, there's a true public servant.

3. Maverick -
A person who takes an independant stand.
He is a maverick in protecting that idea.

4. Bourgeois -
A middle-class person.
Bourgeoises are the majority in Malaysia.

5. Cartographer -
A mapmaker
He hired a cartographer to build a map of the new-found island.

WorDS of The daY*21/2/2015

1. Emissary -
A representative sent on a mission
The emissiary from Russia managed to get away from the guards.

2. Anatomists -
A person who analyzes all the elements of something with particular care.
An anatomists of public school systems and their problmes.

3. Impeccable -
The way she dispatched the whole legion was impeccable.

4. Misanthrope -
A hater of humankind.
She became a misanthrope after her whole family was killed by terrorists.

5. Vagrant -
A person with no established residence or visible means of support.
The vagrant wanders around the supermarket everyday.

WoRDs of The daY*20/2/2015

1. Hue -
A gradation or variety of a color
They used pale and light hues to paint the house.
There are seven hues of the rainbow.

2. Litigant -
A person engaged in a lawsuit.
If you have a case pending in court, you are a litigant.

3. Condescension -
An act of condescending
Such condescension may not label hubris.

4. Curator -
The person in charge of a museum
A person who selects content for presentation
A manager
The curator fired his worker because he was too lazy.
The curator for their group tonight is Adam.
Hairi was appointed curator by the boss.

5. Epitome -
A thing that possess a high degree of a class
He is the epitome of goodness.

WoRDs of The daY*19/2/2015

1. Wizened -
A wizened old man is walking through the forest alone.

2. Bias -
Unreasonable hostile feeling towards a social group
A particular tendency, feeling
There so many racial biased people at the stadium today.
They had a strong bias in favor of the idea.

3. Fracas -
A noisy, disorderly disturbance
A public fracas ensued when he suddenly hit the man.

4. Guileless -
Free from guile, sincere
They are a guileless group of people.

5. Jurisprudence -
A body or systems of law.
The jurisprudence was formed by someone back in the 1980-ies.

WoRDs of The daY*18/2/2015

1. Legion -
A division of the Roman army / military unit
Any large group of armed men
The 1st Legion were all defeated by the enemy.
A legion of fighters were coming their way.

2. Demagogue -
A person who gains power by raising emotions, passions
(In ancient times) a leader of the people
He was a demagogue before he became an official politician.
Their demagogue divided them into several groups.

3. Bolster -
A long cylindrical pillow
The boy could never sleep without his special bolster.

4. Fissure -
A narrow opening produced by seperation of parts
The earthquake last night opened many fissures on the surace of the earth.

5. Clamor -
A loud uproar
A vehement expression of desire
Popular outcry
Any loud and continued noise
The clamor of the crowd at the gates.
The clamor of the proponents of the law.
The senators could not ignore the clamor against higher taxation.
The clamor of the traffic rang through his ears.